Week 4

During my fourth week with the lab I have completed IRB Citi training and have obtained Social/Behavioral Researchers certification! I learned a lot about intereacting with participants in a study as well as how to handel participants data. It was not all relavint to the study I am currently involved with, however I believe the information is usefull and will come in handy in future studies.

Also, if you have read each week so far you know I submitted my first poster to a conference in the past week, and on Thursday I was notified of its acceptance! This is on a past study I completed during my senior year as an undergraduate and is my first conference acceptance. I learned a lot about creating a poster, writing an extended four page abstract on OverLeaf, and getting feedback from reviewers of my work that I beleive will be usefull when I wrap up the project for this summer. I now know the amount of time and dedication it will take to describe all of my work successfully and how to create a poster of our preliminary findings.

Written on June 7, 2021